
Not For Profits Have Some Work To Do

May 24, 2021

Australian consumers are confused, frozen in indecision, and disconnected from our Not For Profits.

Independent research with 2,000 Australians reveals concerning levels of consumer interest, understanding and support. Here is a synopsis of our findings. For more about the research please contact us at

Key Findings; It’s a jungle out there.

More and more Australians require the services of NFPs to survive, be it mental health, disability, domestic violence or aged care services. At the same time, the NFP market is facing more threats from internal and external factors. Low consumer interest, consumer confusion and increased competition from Profit-for-purpose brands, plus public focus on natural disasters and our health crisis, have the NFP sector stretched like never before.

Here are some of the key stats from the research:

  • 46 per cent (that’s nearly half of consumers) feel there are either too many Non For Profits vying for their attention or too many with similar purposes to choose from.
  • 38 per cent say the overcrowded market is a threat to the survival of individual organisations.
  • 45 per cent of consumers see the increasing emergence of competing profit-for-purpose organisations as a significant threat to Non For Profits.
  • As a result, 13 per cent of consumers could not even name a single NFP organisation or confused NFPs with Government schemes such as Medicare, public hospitals and libraries.
  • When asked to name a Non For Profit organisation, large charities like The Salvation Army (22 per cent), The Red Cross Foundation (16 per cent) and St Vincent DePaul Society (12 per cent) dominated responses, overshadowing the thousands of other NFPs out there.

What does all this information mean for Non For Profits?

Essentially: a crowded market with multiple threats is seeing consumers confused about what an NFP is, which NFP’s to support, why they should support them and where their support will make a difference.

Consider this: 34% of consumers don’t have an understanding of what an NFP is. And 35% are not inspired to act at all. If someone doesn’t know what they’re supporting, why would they do it?

These are just some of the many hurdles that NFP marketing now faces.

So what now for Non For Profits marketing?

The first step is to acknowledge that the Non For Profit industry is already changing.

The marketing plan that worked in the past needs to be reinvigorated and meet today’s critical climate.

NFP Marketers must look at their strategies and plans to evaluate the effectiveness and create actions to enhance their brand’s message.

Our team at We Are Savvy would love to help you enhance and reinvigorate your marketing plan to meet the challenging needs of the Not For Profit landscape.

Connect with us today to start the conversation or email us for a full copy of the research report which includes research on how best to connect with customers.

About the research: Independent research of 2,000 Australians, occurred between 23 February 2021 and 2 March 2021, via the Pollfish platform.

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